我们社区中的许多人可能对COVID-19病毒有疑问和担忧. Since the start of COVID-19, SampsonRMC在疾病控制中心的指导下密切监测风险 & Prevention (CDC), the North Carolina Division of Public Health (NCDPH), and our local health department. As we respond to community outbreaks, 我们正在采取一切措施保证患者和医护人员的安全.


Effective Monday, 2月20日, 2023, SampsonRMC访客指南已更新如下:

    • Visiting hours are 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
    • 游客 must be 18 years of age or older.
    • Masks are required for visitors in hallways and common areas.
    • 游客 experiencing cold-like symptoms, 比如发烧, 流鼻涕, 咳嗽, or shortness of breath, should not visit until symptom-free for at least 24 hours.
    • 游客 who are COVID-positive, even if asymptomatic, 在出现症状或检测结果呈阳性后10天才允许探视.
    • 与covid - 19阳性患者密切接触的访客在首次接触后10天内不得访问. 

劳动 & 交付

病人在住院期间可由两名赡养人员照顾, beginning at the time of labor, through post-partum care and discharge. 在常规探视时间,产后病人在任何时间都可能有多达两名探视者,一名支持人员可能会留院过夜. 过夜游客在晚上8点后将不能进入(或重新进入). 允许产后探视者在常规探视时间进出.


病人在急诊室住院期间可能有两名探视者. There may be no exchanging of visitors.  如果病人被转移到手术室,来访者将遵循外科服务指南.  如果病人入院,探视者将遵循内科/外科和ICU的指导方针.


Two support persons may accompany the patient to procedure. 来访者应留在外科等候区,直到病人出院. There may be no exchanging of visitors. 如果病人在手术后入院,来访者将遵循内科/外科和ICU的指导方针.


病人 may have up to two visitors during visiting hours. 游客 may rotate in and out as needed during visiting hours. 病人 may have one (1) visitor overnight. 过夜游客不得交换,晚上8点后不得进入或重新进入.


OB组- 一名护理伙伴可在分娩和分娩期间陪伴母亲,然后在分娩后直接陪伴一小时. The care partner must be fully vaccinated, 签署弃权书, and wear hospital-issued gown, 手套, and mask during the visit.

End-of-Life 护理 - 直系亲属每人可探视一次,每次15分钟. The visitors must be fully vaccinated, 签署弃权书, and wear hospital-issued gown, 手套 and mask during the visit.



这是一个迅速发展的形势,几乎每天都有新的信息出现. To stay informed with the most recently available information, we recommend following The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) for detailed information about COVID-19, how it's spread, and its symptoms, 预防, 治疗, 和测试. You may also find it useful to follow the NC Department of Health & Human Services page for more detailed information about North Carolina's preparedness. 

医生在安排检查之前必须遵循特定的标准. 请理解,在没有首先满足这些标准的情况下,不能简单地根据要求进行测试. 当医疗保健提供者确定它是适当的测试命令. 

SampsonRMC is not able to test for COVID-19 in its laboratory. Based on screening criteria and symptoms, we will coordinate testing through the state laboratory, 或FDA批准的用于COVID-19测试的商业实验室. 

Keep yourself and loved ones safe by following these tips:  

  • Always practice good hand hygiene. 用肥皂和水清洗至少20秒,或者使用含酒精的洗手液 
  • 咳嗽或打喷嚏时用纸巾捂住,然后把纸巾扔进垃圾桶 
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Avoid touching your mouth, eyes, and nose
  • 使用常规的家用清洁喷雾或抹布清洁和消毒经常接触的物体和表面

如果您的症状较轻,请联系您的初级保健提供者或卫生部门寻求指导. If you have fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as 咳嗽 or difficulty breathing, inform your provider. 也, 让他们知道你是否与已知患有COVID-19的人有过密切接触,或者你最近是否去过正在传播的地区. 

If you suspect you are infected with COVID-19, follow these steps from the CDC. Call ahead before walking into a clinic or doctor's office. 这将帮助您的医疗保健提供者采取正确的步骤,防止其他人被感染. 

如果你在 痛苦 有发烧,咳嗽,呼吸急促的症状,或相信你有 medical emergency, call 911 or report to the nearest emergency department. If it will not delay your care, 考虑在路上打电话,这样工作人员可以为你的到来做准备.

The number of patients tested is not released to the public. 这些信息提供给负责管理医院业务的医院管理人员和负责监测公共卫生和疾病暴发的公共卫生机构. 在我们的社区,并非所有的COVID-19检测都在医院进行. 测试也可以由卫生部门和其他与SampsonRMC无关的卫生保健组织进行.

此信息的发布是通过北卡罗来纳州应急管理中心或, when appropriate, by our Public Information Officer to the media. Not all tests for COVID-19 are performed at SampsonRMC. 

桑普森县应急管理发布了关于桑普森县确诊病例的信息, including those confirmed by the hospital. If we have positive cases, we aim to be honest and transparent at the earliest time possible, but understand our commitment is first to our patients, healthcare workers, and the agencies responsible for public health. 

欢迎您在社交媒体上关注我们,以便在社区可用时接收更新.  Our handle on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is @SampsonRMC.

For most recent stats, visit ncdhhs.政府/covid-19-case-count-nc


We are pleased to provide COVID-19 testing as supplies allow. 检测可以在主要医院为住院病人和急诊科病人进行,也可以在我们位于克林顿Sampson Medical Group的免下车站点为门诊病人进行. 门诊检测需要医院首席医疗官批准的医疗服务提供者订单.

SampsonRMC will process the tests and bill for the service.  大多数保险公司支付检测费用,投保人无需承担任何自付责任. 因为计划不同,我们不能保证你的保险会支付. 向您的保险公司咨询COVID-19期间的最新保险计划. 

对于自费患者(没有保险的患者),检测费用为102美元.  With a 25% discount offered by SampsonRMC, the price is $76.50 for self-pay patients.


If you have other questions or concerns, 北卡罗来纳公共卫生部门是你最好的资源. You can reach their call line at 1-866-462-3821.


Finding a Vaccine is easy. Locate a vaccine nearest you by visiting 疫苗.政府.


For the latest on COVID-19 updates and guidance, please visit: